Empowerment Through Connection

Welcome to Yamurrah, where we specialise in wellbeing, training and consultancy provided by our Collective of leading professionals. Explore our comprehensive range of services designed to meet your unique needs.

We specialise in complex trauma, violence, abuse and neglect, human rights, healing and recovery.

Empowerment Through Connection

Welcome to Yamurrah, where we specialise in wellbeing, training and consultancy provided by our Collective of leading professionals. Explore our comprehensive range of services designed to meet your unique needs.

We specialise in complex trauma, violence, abuse and neglect, human rights, healing and recovery.


News & Announcements

Yamurrah Newsletter V3 August 2024 is released! - Newsletter

Nan's Care Circle free monthly support online for carers of young people - Register

Culturally Responsive Trauma Informed Training - 2024 Yamurrah Available Training List

BIRD Report Launch Report has been released: BIRD Research Report

Be About It 2024 Booking link is now open!  Be About It 2024 - Yamurrah

Welcome to Yamurrah

Yamurrah is a word woven from the sacred initials and cherished names of our united kins. It symbolises the profound act of following the sovereign tracks etched by our wise Ancestors, revered Elders, and the trailblazers who preceded us. With utmost integrity, honour, and unwavering determination, as we traverse these sacred tracks, we do so with cultural and professional integrity, boundless honour, and resolute purpose. With each step we take, we also have the responsibility to create new tracks and plant seeds of growth and hope for future generations. Yamurrah represents a continuous journey of respect, learning and legacy, ensuring that the tracks we walk today will create a solid foundation for the generations to come.

Embrace the opportunity to gain valuable insights from culturally and professionally diverse First Nations perspectives and experiences.

“Our business ethos is about giving back and this is who we are, our essence, our purpose and our identity. Who are we if we cannot give back to the people who need it most, especially when we know that our communities are not always accessing mainstream services.
They come to us and people like us and we have to be there to hold that and importantly respond to this. We need help doing this. It is only through our self-determination that we can give back on our own terms and in ways that are survivor and community focused. Giving back is the Yamurrah way”.
Rowena Lawrie | Director | Yamurrah

Yamurrah provides clinical, cultural and consultancy services with care and integrity. This includes management of several high-level projects, wellbeing, clinical and cultural supervision sessions, training and development, events, community development projects and systemic reform work. We provide training on several topics such as culturally responsive trauma informed care, cultural safety and cultural humility, supporting managers and leaders and vicarious trauma and healing.

As a collective – we bring together culturally and professionally diverse First Nations perspectives, expertise and experiences and will work with you, in collaborative and creative ways.

Yamurrah has grown to be a leading provider, advocate, and crucial voice in the intersection of trauma, violence and healing and recovery.

Enriching Organisational Culture

Wellbeing clinical sessions.

Clinical and cultural supervision.

Training and Development.

Events and Facilitation.


Management of high-level projects.

Community development projects.

Systemic reform work.

Research, reporting, evaluations, strategic planning.

Cultural audits.

Legal advice.

Group workshops and team development.

Collaborative and creative working.

RISE is an initiative under the care of Yamurrah dedicated to providing pro bono counselling, legal advice, workshops, events and support to victims and survivors of sexual assault, domestic and family violence and for people experiencing grief and loss.

Highly skilled and experienced in developing curriculum including competency-based training and, delivery of workshops.

Individual, couples and family counselling in a wide range of areas including trauma, drug and alcohol addictions, grief and loss.

Consult our legal, research, & clinical specialists for specialist advice & support. Yamurrah will support and walk beside your service.

Clinical and cultural supervision to both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal workers provided by ethical qualified First Nations clinicians.

Unlock the Power of Healing and Recovery

Our dedicated team is collectively supporting you in your well-being and self-care.

“We believe culture and reconnecting with culture will elevate you spiritually, physically and intellectually”

Yamurrah offers a range of services. Yamurrah is no stranger to innovation and creative ways of working. We are bounded by several ethical standards which include confidentiality, cultural safety, quality, professionalism, social justice and flexibility.

For further information about Yamurrah: 

About Yamurrah | Values | CollectiveClients


Meet the person behind Yamurrah

Rowena, is the Director and Founder of Yamurrah, a Collective made up of @ 30 esteemed First Nations people, culturally and professionally diverse. The Yamurrah Collective comprises nurses, social workers, psychologists, lawyers, teachers, trauma specialists and academics, each specialising in unique fields such as professional development, therapy, project management, leadership, research and evaluation. With close to three decades of illustrious experience as a clinical social worker, Rowena's journey is marked by a commitment to addressing complex and collective systemic trauma and injustices. Her professional background in social work, law, complemented by a profound nerdiness and studies in neuroscience,  shapes her holistic approach to her work.

Currently pursuing her PhD at Sydney University, Rowena's dedication to academia and research underscores her unwavering passion for social justice and systemic transformation. She grew up and resides on sacred Darkinjung Country, and is a descendant of Wakka Wakka and Wiradjuri nations, and her matriarchal lines extending to North Leichhardt River, Gulf of Carpentaria. As a devoted mother, daughter, sister, Aunty, cousin and friend, and enthusiast of hiking, dance, arts and theatre, Rowena finds inspiration in Country, connection and various forms of creative expressions.

Recipient of the esteemed 2023 Aboriginal Social Worker of the Year award from the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW), Rowena's tireless advocacy and unwavering dedication to advancing trauma-informed care and social justice exemplify her impactful contributions to the field.

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Training Calendar

Yamurrah’s collective members have decades of experience delivering training and have a number of training programs available for request to be delivered into your organisation as well as a calendar of workshops to be able to register to attend.

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What People Say About Us

“Rowena is highly regarded in the Trauma sector both with Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal colleagues. Rowena is committed, ethical and a real team player. Throughout the past 20 years I have regularly observed her unique ability to juggle a range of complex projects, think on her feet and still be smiling at the end of a busy day – this is rare and explains why she is in high demand”.

 Jo Campbell

“Rowena gets Community….and what she brings to the community is an informed voice….a voice that is true and resonates an Aboriginal worldview. Rowena is a nurturer, and known in the healing space….she has a lens that is considered and never faulters from that bottom line –justice for my people.”

 Simone Hudson, CEO, GNL

“I have known Rowena for years and years and she comes from a place of wisdom, strength, knowledge and spirituality. It is the essence of who she is as an Aboriginal woman. She talks it, she walks and she shows it and it has a massive impact on community. She is softly spoken but a powerful woman. My Grandmother always said you have to tread softly on country and that is what Rowena does, respectfully and calmly, that carries families and communities”

 Kevin (Gavi) Duncan, Aboriginal Community Elder

Rowena is a highly skilled communicator and effective in articulating complex concepts, influencing thinking and action to drive change in service planning, implementation, and monitoring. Coupled with high level work ethic and a vision of equity within society, Rowena is a strong advocate for ensuring the most vulnerable community members’ voices are heard and principles are embedded into practise to meet their individual and collective needs”.

 Dixie Crawford, Director, Nganya

“I feel extremely privileged to be afforded such a worthwhile experience. Yamurrah are the best in delivering cultural supervision – this service should be embedded in every organisation, whether Aboriginal, non-Aboriginal, government, non-government, and private businesses”.

 Supervision Client

“The supervision provided by Yamurrah safe, very confidential – culturally appropriate, validating, critical thought provoking, it fills my cultural and spiritual cup and re-energises me…it also prompts me to reflect on my own behaviour”.

 Supervision Client

“It felt great to share and discuss any concerns I may have. Our yarns always seems to flow so openly and honestly. The strategies given to me are always helpful and help me lead and manage teams – we have had some amazing results and I always come away feeling positive and empowered from my sessions with Yamurrah”.

Supervision Client

“I always feel recharged after our sessions with Yamurrah. I know our conversations are confidential and I feel it is a safe space to talk freely. I always walk away with strategies and tools to assist me to do better practise”.

 Supervision Client

“Yamurrah’s The Journey of Integrated Practise has been some of the best training I have ever participated in”.

 Supervision Client

“I have a renewed focus on the importance of family-led decision making. It was a deeper dive into culture and ‘our practise as child protections workers’ than I have ever experienced before. The whole training with Yamurrah was inspiring and thought-provoking”.

 Supervision Client

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