Culturally Responsive Trauma Informed Training - For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island People
Thank you for attending the training. Below are the PowerPoints, resources and further information.
Review | Coaching Session
Please keep adding notes to your participant workbook as you take the learnings back into your work. We look forward to seeing you at that session. Next session details (please save these into your calendar):
Topic: Yamurrah Culturally Responsive Trauma Informed Review | Coaching Session
Time: May 14, 2025 01:30 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 823 7598 8786
Passcode: 845023
Following sessions: 14 May 2025 and 12 December 2025 (Zoom details will be added closer to the time)
Please don't hesitate to reach out anytime if you have any questions:
CRTIP Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People Copyright@Yamurrah2024
An Australian Story by Sigrid Herring Download PDF
Blue Knot - Resources Page:
The wayfinders: Why ancient wisdom matters in the modern world
Why weren't we told?: A personal search for the truth about our history, Henry Reynolds, (No Title), 1999
The body keeps the score: Brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma, Bessel Van der Kolk
How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime - Nadine Burke Harris
Dr Daniel Siegel presenting a Hand Model of the Brain
Yamurrah - A moment to heal ourselves
Kanyini (first 13 minutes)
ACMAG, 2017, Adverse childhood experienced influence adult health status
Allan Wade 1997
An Australian Story, Sigrid Herring
Atkinson, 2013, P: 2
Australian Childhood Foundation, 2019
Bob Randall (2006) “Songman”
Brain Development & Trauma -
Burbank, (1994) Fighting Women: Anger & Aggression in Aboriginal Australia
Brondolo et al., 2003; Kessler et al., 1999; Krieger, 1999, 2000; Paradies, 2006a; Pascoe & Richman, 2009; Williams & Mohammed, 2009; Williams et al., 2003
Bruce Perry
Chelsea Watego 2021
Costello & Backhouse, 2019a for additional references and more detailed discussion
D. M. Macedo , L. G. Smithers , R. M. Roberts , Y. Paradies and L. M. Jamieson 2019
Deb Dana, Glimmers
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V)
Gauthier de Beco THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS 2020, VOL. 24, NO. 5, 593–614
Gee, Dudgeon, Schultz, Hart and Kelly, 2013 Artist: Tristan Schultz, RelativeCreative
Jonathan M. Wicks, ASW, 2021-22, The Trauma Wheel
Judith Herman, 1992, p. 159
Judy Atkinson (2002) Trauma Trails Recreating Songlines
Kezelman, C & Stavropoulos,P (2012)
KPMG, 2016 -
Law 2000, from the work of Bruce Perry and Peter Levine
Lawrie and Cousins (2018) Reclaiming Our Safe Ways of Parenting – How Trauma Research is supporting Aboriginal ways of child rearing
Letty Funston, Services and Power
Lloyd et al., 2002; Lonne, 2003; Maslach et al., 2001; Cordes and Dougherty, 1993; Lee and Ashforth, 1993; Lloyd et al, 2002; Barak et al, 2009; Ray et al, 2013; Brady et al, 1999; Osofsky, 2011; Braley, 2010; Neuman and Gamble, 1995; Choi, 2011; Lonergan et al, 2004; Pistorius, 2006; Van Deusen and Way, 2006; McElvaney and Tatlow-Golden, 2016 - Organisational risk and protective factors
Pearlman & Saakvitne 1995
Reynolds 2002, 2008, 2010a
Roth, W.E (1984) The Qld Aboriginies, vol.11, Bulletins 1-8, North Queensland Ethnology from the Home Secretary's Dept - Brisbane 1901-1908, Melbourne: Hesperian Press
Rowena Lawrie, 2010
Rowena Lawrie, Yamurrah, The River Ecology
Rowena Lawrie & Caroline Cousins
Artist Shirley Minyingarla – Pandandus Dilly Bag
S Willson 2009 - M Terare 2020
The Healing Foundation
Tolliday et al 2018
Trauma Informed Care Model when working with Aboriginal people: Natalie Short, Lani Brennen and Ada McGrady, 2016
Wade Davis, House of Anansi, 2009
Yamurrah and Tuned In Consultancy